Camping Season Veggie Paella

Prep time: 15 mins      Difficulty:  Very Easy      Serves: 2-4          Duration: 59 mins

A luxury camping meal for the vegans, vegetarians and the ones who dislike seafood! A combination of smoky paprika, fragrant saffron and the fresh flavours of sun dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts and romano red peppers. Takes under 1 hour to prepare and lingers on your tongue for hours afterwards!  To save yourself some time you can replace the spices with our Camping Season Smoky Spice Rub


2 cup of Paella Rice

Olive Oil

1 White or brown onion

3-4 Garlic Cloves minced

1 Large Tomato, skinned

2 Red Romano Pepper

1 Fennel

1 Courgette

Handful of Cherry Tomatoes

1 Lemon

Handful of Sun Dried Tomatoes

Handful of Green Olives

Handful of fresh or canned Garden Peas

1 pod of Smoked Paprika

1 Pod of Saffron 

1 pod of Smoked Salt

1 veggie stock pod


Step 1- Start with your prep. Finely dice your onion, garlic, and thinly slice your romano pepper. Next prepare some boiling water and thinly cut along your large tomato in a cross shape, try not to penetrate the flesh of tomato. Put the tomato in a bowl and cover with boiling water for 30 seconds; once the time is up pour the water away and refill the bowl with cold water for another 30 seconds. You'll now be able to peel the tomato skin and dice your tomato.

Step 2- Take your pod of saffron and add it to a small bowl or espresso cup and fill with hot water to extract the flavours, leave it to sit.

Step 3- Half the cherry tomatoes, thinly slice your courgette and cut the fennel into 8 pieces.

Step 4-Turn on your heat and get the pan hot, once ready generously pour olive oil and bring to heat. Now add your onions, garlic, when they are glossy and releasing an aroma add your romano pepper and diced tomato to the pan and season with smoked salt, smoked paprika and the saffron infused water. cook this for 5 minutes

Alternatively you can use 2 tbsp of our Camping Season Smoky Spice Rub but don't forget the saffron!

Step 5- It's time to add your 2 cups of paella along with 4 cups of veggie stock stir  to incorporate all the flavours and then reduce the heat and leave it to sit for at least 15-20 minutes without stirring. After this point stir and keep checking the paella until you feel its cooked through.

Step 6- In another pan preferably a griddle, add a touch of olive oil once hot and grill your courgettes, fennel slices and cherry tomatoes until they have a bit of char on both sides. 

Step 7-  Add your peas to the paella, slice your olives into smaller pieces and drain your sun-dried tomatoes add this to your paella along with your griddled fennel, courgette and cherry tomatoes. Cut your lemon into wedges and place on top.

Now tuck in and enjoy!


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